Tell me about the pain points of Java that inspired Kotlin to be developed as a new programming language.
Tell me more about the other languages that inspired Kotlin, and in what way inspired Kotlin.
Is Kotlin closer to the Perl/PHP/Ruby school of thought ("there's more than one way to do it") or the Python/Go school of thought ("there should be one obvious way to do it")?
Tell me more about Kotlin based on these dimensions: functional vs imperative vs declarative, lazy vs eager, static vs dynamic, strong vs weak typing, garbage collected vs non-garbage collected.
Besides these dimensions, what other dimensions would you highlight in describing Kotlin and where it stands? functional vs imperative vs declarative, lazy vs eager, static vs dynamic, strong vs weak typing, garbage collected vs non-garbage collected.
Can I compile Kotlin to WebAssembly?
Is Kotlin's concurrency model closer to Node.js's async/await or Go's goroutines?
Does Kotlin support expressive types such as algebraic data types?
Can you describe the history of Kotlin and highlight time points of specific changes in direction of the philosophy behind the language?
Does Kotlin support algebraic effects?